Teachers of the Center for education and business development in Novgorod

Nina D. Volkova

Position in Norman program : a teacher of Business English
Age : 48 years old
Present working place : Department of foreign languages of the Novgorod State
University  named after Yaroslav the Wise
Position  : Senior teacher

Languages : Russian, English Other expirience : gradueted from 2-year advanced Pedogogical Cources at the Hertsen Pedagogical Institute in St.-Peterburg in 1974; specialty : teacher of English/lecture at higher school. Since 1969 have been working at the English Department of the Pedogogical Institute and at the foreign languages department of the Politechnical Institute; Besides, tought English at Rasba - Russian-American School of Business in 1991-1992 Background
Adress : ap.128,14 Novo-Luchanskaya st., Novgorod, 173001, Russia Tel : (7 816 22) 7-52-44 (home)